Last Saturday ,
I went to Golly's Makeover Event at JRunway (。・ω・。)
Was really thankful for the opportunity ~ :3 !!!
And not to say , both Golly and Kelly (who dropped by) have another gyaru discussion session earlier at about 11 at Funan Kawaii Cohii =[]=!! I was too tired to go already because it was after Kyary's concert OTL... and they still have the energy to work so hard while I was still dead on my bed ^^"" hahahahaha *lazyme*
Anyway , put on make up base and lenses before gg there ..
my scar on le right cheek quite visible T_T only base after all.. haixx....
bumpy too :(( cause its still only 1 month old... :((
Now ~ , let me introduce you to two pretty girls I got to know on that day ~ ;D
Nini-chan~ ❤
who is going to have a "MODE"-look makeover
Angie-chan~ ❤
who is going for a Sweet/Kawaii-look makeover
Moi ,
meanwhile, was scheduled to go for a lolita-makeover :3
but PUTUMAYO was taken off the shelves already :'(( *sadlife*
so we decided to go for a Baby Rock Look (which is the kind of look I really love - almost my normal look wahahaha xD )
So here goes !!!
Ta-daaah, us after the makeover Thanks to super awesome Golly ~!!!! xD
*I'm surrounded by pretty babes wahahahaha*
What did we do for the makeover ?
Basically, after everyone have arrived there, Golly went around choosing outfits for us ...

The Mister who is following us is from Nippon Terebi (Nippon TV) :3
I was actually bothering everyone ( tee heee....while everyone's so busy ) by taking picture here and there , snapping away (wahahahahaha) even when Golly is choosing outfit for me (sorry..... TAT.... *guilty*) Lucky everyone were so nice that day to allow me to snap snap here and there xD heheheee~~
Golly did our concealing , eye make up, and finishing !! :D
I learnt quite a lot from Golly during this time O.O!! I actually never did obvious eye make up with shimmers etc for normal gyaru look (I usually do those more for cosplay character look O.O) This is because I tried doing a few times before and they kinda.. failed ^^""" so I was thankful that she actually did it for me this time and taught me how it should look like if done in correct way :3
exp-gained !! yay!! xD
And guess what ?
Hana from HanaHearts did our hair >,< !!!!!!!!
OMG >,< Im so thankful to have met people I usually only see on my PC screen xD !!Yay~!
But I think I'm the most trouble for her here because my hair is so freaking long and I never bring hairtie and they dont have hairtie until Pearly came and help give us two pieces of rubber bands TAT;;;
I really really Thank you for being sooo patient with my broom-hair Hanaa.. >,<
Then , after we are finished , we took pictures.
Golly even taught us how to pose wahahaha
So , without further ado , pictures ;D !!!
Aaa... my pictures sadly didnt turn out that nice D:
cannot see Angie-chan's face TAT
(bad lighting >,< ) and fringe-people's problem too, same as me...
I will update later, after the official , nicer pictures are out ! !!!
meanwhile, here are some piccies from my so-so iphone camera k :3
me with Kawaii~ Angie-chan :D ❤
Baby Shoop~~❤
Yihaaa~~ ❤
Digress~ Digress~
SlayeDoll also appeared halfway :D
She's the makeover model for the earlier session at Funan :D
*here is me , changed, but my broom-of-a-hair still untamed by Hana wahahahaha*
Back to topic~
Wahahaha , Got the real person also must take with the poster LOLL xD
Then , after finished , we went our own way ~~
I am actually quite surprised this camwho picture turn out so nice !!! OAO !!! JRUnway changing room lighting FTW !!!! Must have good lighting so you'll buy ! hahaha ^^ But the lighting seriusly very nice ;D
But of course, before we go ... another set of Selca~~ hahaha xD
After that , I went to Astons to have dinner ~ met Shizu-chan to pass her stuff too~~ ;D
My Reward Dinner ~~ Pork Chop Muahahaha ~
and overprice cocktail sausages I got treated too :3
so I wont complain....
So that's it for my experience last Saturday ;D
Will blog more about it when the official pictures came out :3
I seriously feel sooo soo lucky that so many good things have happened to me these past few months >,< made so many new friends , got to experience and learn so many new things , etc
*Happy but tired*
But I'm really dying to sleep now .. hahaha ^^"
So,Bye byeee~~
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