Almost died of too many stuff to do OTL....
But anyway ^^//
I'm scheduling blogposts about 2 photoshoots I did back to back
1. パンドラハーツ - アリス (Pandora Hearts , Alice - B-Rabbit Version)
2. 変態王子と笑わない猫。 - 小豆 梓 - (Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko - Azusa Azuki)
Thanks to the PS I've got a new awesome (I think its awesome :P ) DP !! yaaay xD
*credit to Yu Bin* xD
*lame self-worshipping alert ahead :P - Thou hast been warned !!!!*
Naise noo??? Naise hor ??! Naise-desu neee ?!!! xD I'e allllways loved Alice !!! QAQ the battle version !!! She's a mix of Tsun and Yandere at the same time wahahahaha xD !!! But Yu Bin told me I look too "motherly" as in "too nice" for the character :P So I tried my best to give him Alice's fierce face (to be upped in my future posts wahahaha xD )
Be sure to look out for these posts in the next few weeks ;D Photos so big need time to resize :P
Anyway, My schedule next year is as below :
- School 2nd Jan to 20th jan
- EXAM 21st (OSPE !!! QAQ !!!) , 22nd Jan
- School 23rd Jan to 13th March (with recess week, but need to mug anyway =_="")
- Mini TEST on 25th Jan
- EXAM on 14th, 15th March
- Clinicals all the way to 25th March to 18th April
- Clinicals EXAM 19th April
so you'll know (and hopefully understand ^^ ) "WHY?" if I blog less because I'll roam around the town less too ^^" muahahaha ^^"
Anyway ,
Lets see how I had cruised through and 'wisely spent' my time LOLz
- After EOY Meido, Joined Kira Candy :3
am pretty happy to be able to learn much more things !!!!
February - April
nothing much but school ..
how sad was my life then =_=""" ...
Finals =_= *doom* the worst time of this year I guess...
There was even the drama of running to the ER with very bad nausea and vomitting RIGHT smack before exam !!!!
- Internship at Pathlight School :3 Whole month I was busy ^^ But I met my old kids and am v happy with it !!!
- Went to this AWESOME restaurant called 'Chako' . and its closed now T_T because its a home-restaurant , so the obaa-san is retiring + the place is gg to be sold ... she will cook for you T_T and her food is A-W-E-S-O-M-E !!!
I shifted my personal blog to this public blog :3 so I can separate my emo stuff and document my happier moments + cosplay and jap related stuff ^^
My Birthday ~!!! I got a huuuuge Nyanko Sensei (which I'd YET Blog aout ~_~ I feel like writing a post about my Nyanko Sensei Collection LOLz xD) and NekoBus with Totoro INSIDE
-Kira Candy School Party :D *here*
(One of the biggest fail in my cos moments OTL... Fail in make up cause had to rush stuff, failed in styling my fringe OTL.... Used hairspray and my fringe looks like dried twigs hahaha ^^" nevermind !!! Lessons learned !!!) Hahaha behold my twigs-like fringe ^^
Also found the currently BEST Cha Shu in town!! Go to Marutama Ramen !! >,< This is undeniably a happy moment yo, for a ramen lover like me xD !!!
- Gathering with JC friends XD for Singgih's Birthday xD
*photo credit to me me mee !!!* -xD hahaha not bad riiiight? xD
-NUSCAS' first Group photoshoot ! xD
- EOY videoshoot with Yukari Chan
My first time doing any shoot of proper video shoot *awkward* but *here* is an accompanying PS ^^ and the video
*photo credit to photog Ivan*
*photo credit to photog Ivan*
-KC Photoshoot :D
*i only haz this one pic TnT*

- Natsu Matsuri :D Got a chance to wear yukata !! xD
November !
The FUN for me starts here !! xD !!!
- I survived EXAM !!!! *fyuuuh*
- Went to AFA xD !! *here*
*The epic indian baby moment*
- Went to Danny Choo's CJ Night and met him ! xD *here*
- EOY 2012 !!!
\Read it *here* xD!!!! Am very excited because this is the first time I get to 'cosplay' TOGETHER with Shizu-chan !!! (okay lah, not cosplay, but do cos- related stuff - Meido LOLLLZ) xD She's like, the ONLY 1 of ONLY 2 ppl who cosplay in my BATCH !!! =_= and suffice to say, like Jap stuff too!!
\Read it *here* xD!!!! Am very excited because this is the first time I get to 'cosplay' TOGETHER with Shizu-chan !!! (okay lah, not cosplay, but do cos- related stuff - Meido LOLLLZ) xD She's like, the ONLY 1 of ONLY 2 ppl who cosplay in my BATCH !!! =_= and suffice to say, like Jap stuff too!!
Why is it so diff to find ppl who like Jap stuff !??
*photo credits to * :D

*photo credits to * :D

- Pandora Hearts Photoshoot !
*photo credits to Yu Bin*
- H* Ouji to Warawanai Neko Mini Photoshoot !!
*credits to photog Ivan*
(see end of post for pictures ^^ )
*Christmas Nails*
*photo credits to Yu Bin*
- H* Ouji to Warawanai Neko Mini Photoshoot !!
*credits to photog Ivan*
*Christmas Nails*
Okay Thats it !! :D
and... I'm gg to go out of my usual slothful way and make a list of things I want to achieve next year ^^ Dont criticise me ah~ Cause my logo is : die die try to do as much as I can before I die one ! ;P
MY 2013 AIM :
PS and Events :
- go AFA (all days)
- go STGCC !
- go EOY !
- Nurarihyon no Mago - Oikawa Tsurara PS
- Lucky Star - Izumi Konata PS
- CCS - The Return /Song PS with group :3
- Marchen - Elizabeth
Blog :
- Do more reviews
- Put in more diary entries because I tend to forget what I did the whole year long if I never wrote it down hahaha ^^"""
Self :
- be more patient
- be less prone to emo'cloud' and stress ~_~'"
- be more positive !!!
- Be a better person and be awesome to my family and friends xD!
- Be more self motivated in studying hard in my faculty =_=""
Study :
- Study harder !!! QnQ!! too lazy this year !!
- Try to properly learn some Jap TnT (have been wishing for this for the last few years :P )
I've met many new awesome friends xD !!!
Got to know the :
- KC gals (and bf lah hor ^^ )
V talented and beautiful Mirai-chan and her stylish bf Jim !
Very Moe Trina-chan TAT your moe-ness can make me cry TAT and v shy Kenton ^^"
(the super mature and toootally not angsty ) Angsty Wan Yee ,
super moeeeee Samantha ,
Kawaiii Aneki Natsumi !! ,
Dong Hui (who got the Da Jie vibe hahaha xD )
Super Duper nice Natalie ,
(the ever bubbly ever super duper happy girl !!! xD cannot keep up with her hyper-ness one ! )
Pretty Noelle !! who's v good in Selca ! xD
Cute Angie aka. Ringo-chaaan !!
Our talented MC-tachi : Louisa aka.Emiko and Evey Chua!!! xD
Super Petite and Kawaii June aka.Aiko :3
- Photogs !!
JA chew , Zech , Kelvin Siau , Eugene , Yu Bin , Kiat Kai , and many more xD!!!
School Cos friends !!
- YiMin , Yamxu-senpai , Yi Fen , Ziyin, Yuchen, Tempesta Aerian, Kai Lin, Kai Xin, Yuyuan (not new lah ^^ but she finally agred to 'cos' with me xD) etc etc etc
sorry if i left anyone out ^^ its NOT because i dont love you as much -more to I've got a few mins to scribble all these names down LOLLLZ ^^
Okay thats it !
Thats my aim~!
not too much lah :D but I really really wish I can fulfill most of them^^
so this is it !!
am gonna have to work harder from now on !!
And ..
here's a sneak peek of my upcoming PS post :3
if you've subscribed to my Page , you would have seen this on my Page Cover though ^^ hahaha
and have fun for the countdown tonight !!!
Terumi~~ (。・ω・。)
ReplyDeleteCute cosplay. Kawaii blog!
Happy new year! Hope you have an awesome 2013!
Greetings from:
Hi Tania-chan ~!! All the best for 2013 too ^^ !! Thank you very much for the kind comment ;3 JUst went to your blog - and its in Spanish !! Wow :D!(it is right?) hahaha ^^ Are you spanish ? *gomen~~ ^^""" I cant read spanish so i have to make do with guessing that you're spanish* LOLz :D
Delete*pardon my hyper-ness ^^ am quite interested in cosplay scene abroad as I only know that of singapore, malaysia and indonesia ^^