Saturday, June 15, 2013

My New Hair xD ✿ @Vellus Hair Studio - 50% OFF & Not your Ordinary Salon ✿(◕‿◕✿)

✿ My Hair Sponsor 

Noticed anything different~~ ? 
To fellow Cheapo Army members ;D ~ If you are here because of the 50% discount on the title and want to know how much discount will the whooping 50% be , you can just scroll down directly to the middle of this post ok ;D That's where I'm gonna share about the estimated price

Last wednesday , I went to dye my hair for the very first time ~!! ^^" 
As you may have known , I've never done anything chemical-related to my hair before (no dyeing /highlighting  , no ion , no rebonding , no perming etc ) But recently , I've been wanting to have my hair dyed the shade of honey or maybe ash brown (but I dont want bleaching ~  >,< .... T_T and I have no one to guide me~ ) However , I'm pretty worried that the colour may be too light as well because I'll be working :((

This is where Vellus came in ~ ;D 

If you've read about Vellus at Golly Locks' blog ;D 
Then , I'm here to tell you that the princess treatment IS.FOR.REAL !! (>‿<✿)!!!

Vellus basically, is a Hair Studio with NEW concept, you see~ :3
Not your normal Salon ;3 !!!! But much more affordable at their level of service and comfort ;D compared to if you're looking for this level of service outside !! xD

Noticed anything different ? ;3 

Vellus is a small cosy Hair Studio , with a very tranquil and relaxing ambience, BUT IT ONLY HAVE 2 PRIVATE ROOMS ! No rows of cramped chairs next to each other OAO !!

Its a hair studio with a new concept where :
- ONE stylist will be dedicated to ONE customer at a time 
 they had chosen to adopt this concept because Salons in general tend to have more than one stylist  tending to more than one customer .The stylist who is going to wash / cut /dye / perm / blow dry your hair may be different stylists ,
and that means more room for errors (different colours , wrong timing for bleaching etc ) 
With ONE stylist to ONE customer ratio , Vellus ensures that the customers' received the stylists' full attention :3

- the customer  will be given ONE single private room compared to the Usual row of seats in other Salons 
you can relax and enjoy yourself during hours of procedures :3 You get to have your OWN room , soothing music on , and aromatheraphy to calm your mind while you're having your hair pampered ;D 

As for the throne (heheee~) chair above ^^ ....

 It 's freaking comfortable !!!!!! 
Its besically a mechanized chair which can be elevated/lowered , allowing you to sit upright/sleep etc etc . Sso cushy and comfy~  like a massage chair xD

 and look at the pretty Vintage Room interior ~~ >,< 

The awesome products they carry ~~ from JAPAN ~!! xD 
These products are every hard to come by in Singapore >,<;;;;

I actually ended up getting the Moe Moe Repair Aid ~ ;D shall blog about it soon ;D

So I arranged an appoinment date with Vellus to dye my hair afterwards , and one week after my initial "viewing"visit, 

1. this is my first time dyeing my hair 
2. I have the supposedly very very stubborn black virgin hair OTL... which usually resist hair dyeing 
3. I dont want to bleach my hair 
Josie actually patiently took quite some time to explain the process , colour etc to me ^^" and that ash colour is difficult to achieve with my current virgin hair if I dont want to bleach , so we decided on shade of... honey brown-ish colour instead :3 

A special home-brewed Honey Tea all customers will be entitled to :3  

Bye bye pitch black hair ~

Basically , as you can see.. 
I'm pretty comfortable , happy and contented ~~

After lathering the colour ~ 
Their equipment are also pretty awesome ! OXO !! 

Like, this thing below , actually rotates around my head like, ... 
a rotating Halo !! =[]= !!

After waiting for the dye to set in + washing , 
its time for treatment to aid the repair of the damaged hair :3 

Special Treatment materials ~

And I proudly announces that I - who prided myself in my ability to do marathon sleep deprivation , actually almost slept so many times throughout the process because its really really just so freaking comfortable QnQ;;

*Until Ee-chan sneaked into my room and disturbed me by capturing this unglam picture below ..,.. ^^" regardless, you can see that I'm perfectly happy and contented ~ "

This machine "steams"  a concoction of their own home-produced Essential Oils

.. which smells so nice I actually slept *above* for a while OTL....

cutting the part where I fell asleep etc etc , 

From Black ~
Bye byee~ ;D

Honey-ish brown under bright light ~ 
Cant wait for it to lighten up a shade ;D 

These pictures got no photoshop one okay~ pure proper angle + lighting and cover the small-but-still-healing(why heal so slow TmT) scar on my right cheek

Josie kept on saying my virgin hair will be undoubtedly damaged after treatment etc 
BUT !!!
AFTER their Scalp and Hair treatment my hair is still freaking soft even NOW, like , NOW !! 4 days after their treatment leh !!!!

If you're going to the salon , I will recommend you look for Josie ✿ (they have another stylist too) She is very patient in explaining things to me ^^" (I very noob one about hair dyeing since this is my first time ^^" )  . Regarding the costs , let me break it down to you after this AWESOME news I'm going to tell you below ;3 

They're having a 50% OFF for ALL HAIR SERVICES 
if you're a First -Time Customers ~!!! :D

50% OFF !!! 
SO, now I'm going to break down my Salon treatment costs to you ! 
After I'm done , I counted and.... the treatment I received 

1.Scalp Treatment
2.Hair Cut
3. Hair Treatment
4.  Hair Dye

 actually costs only approximately $200+ only after the 50% discount !! =[]=!!!

and this is for such a Royal Service with a PRIVATE ROOM  !! OAO And boy , my hair is pretty long to start with O.o!!!! =[]=  At other good salons , $200 can only get you a hair dye I think ~_~""""" and NO PRIVATE ROOM...  no ridiculously comfy chair... =[]=!!!

So what are you waiting for ? 
For a much much cheaper cost , you can receive a Royal Private Treatment which can cost up to $600-700 outside (if you're looking for VIP rooms in other salons with similarly experienced stylist it can cost you a bomb >,< !)

And ~ 

if you're planning to pay them a visit , if you Quote my name/blog :D
Vellus has kindly agreed to give my readers a 
FREE bottle of their Awesome-smelling Essential Oil !!

VELLUS Hair Studio
Add :83A Tanjong Pagar Road, Singapore, Singapore 088504
Phone : 6224 6566
Open 10:00am - 8:00pm

For such a good gem of a Salon , they're located at Tanjong Pagar , but need to walk a bit (about 5 minutes :3) So if you're lazy to google/street directory  how to get there , I've photos to help you kay~ ;D 

If you're not familiar with Tanjong Pagar , dont worry ;D Its just a very short walk from the MRT , and I've put up a pretty detailed " How to get to Vellus Hair Studio " guide below ;D 
Pretty Detailed kay~~!! Because I snap picture every 10-20 metres I walk hahahaha xD 

Came out of the salon, first thing I do is camwhore xD *shamelessly*
(actually no , that's the first thing I do when I stood up from that chair after hair dyeing  xD)

Hurry and get your hair pampered while the 50% OFF is still there ok!!! xD 
Here's their facebook if you'd like to know more about them , etc etc ~!

Ciao~~ ;D 
I'll be visiting Vellus again in a few weeks' time ;D 
See you there and go get  your hair pampered ~ ✿(>‿◕✿)


  Follow me~ (。・ω・。)- テルテルミ  
Instagram : @teru_terumi


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