Hi ,today I'll be reviewing iFairy 's Nova Green,
followed by and intro to circle lenses for those who doesnt know about them ^^
For those who are using the,
these may be fun trivia ^^
I'll be reviewing more of my current lenses in the next few days as an intro to my review of lenses sent by Uniqso, which is supposed to arrive in the next week or so
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So , back to Nova Green ^^
Thats how it looks like when taken under Natural Light , without flash :3
and this is how it looks like under bright light , without flash :3
[My future review will have pictures with flash , without flash and under natural light ^^ ]
I apologize that this post wont have it because my Nova Green has expired last week and I wouldnt want to wear it again deshou :3
The pattern , as promised
although colour does differ slightly :3
Review :
Comfort ♥♥♥♥♡
Like my other ifairy lenses, they're quite comfortable despite their large size :D
Enlargement ♥♥♥♥♡
Love it ! Boasting a 16,2 mm diameter isnt for nothing :3
However , abased on personal knowledge and experience , do note that you shouldnt wear these kind of lenses Every single day for extended period of time ^^ Let your eyes breathe a little :3
Colour ♥♥♥♡♡
The colour isnt as striking as I would have expected from the advertorial picture , and the pattern does have clear gaps in between where your true eye colour will show .
I find it natural while not being totally subtle , since the green colour is indeed visible :3 although if you really want a striking green , maybe iFairy's Jewel green will be more obvious :3
Now, the last part (more serious part)
An article to scare you some more :3
Point is :
- Yes, beauty does come at a price. Using contact lenses do come at a risk .
- MAKE SURE You wont be a victim ! Clean it regularly and throroughly .
- ALWAYS wash your hands before putting in and taking out your lenses
- NEVER EVER get water (plain water etc) in contact with your lenses. EVER !!!
- THis means you have to dry your hands before handling your lenses !
Be safe :3
Hope this helps
Terumi ~~
Enlargement ♥♥♥♥♡
Love it ! Boasting a 16,2 mm diameter isnt for nothing :3
However , abased on personal knowledge and experience , do note that you shouldnt wear these kind of lenses Every single day for extended period of time ^^ Let your eyes breathe a little :3
Colour ♥♥♥♡♡
The colour isnt as striking as I would have expected from the advertorial picture , and the pattern does have clear gaps in between where your true eye colour will show .
I find it natural while not being totally subtle , since the green colour is indeed visible :3 although if you really want a striking green , maybe iFairy's Jewel green will be more obvious :3
Circle Lenses Trivia
What are circle lenses ?
here's the wiki definition :
also known as a big eye contact lens and circle lens, is a cosmetic contact lens that makes the eye's iris appear larger; this product originated from South Korea.
So far , most of my lenses (if not all) are South Korean made :3
They often comes in many many design , from pretty to unnaturally scary interesting ^^
consider these :
(these are purely my opinions :3, I do have a preference to non-extreme looking lenses unless for cosplay purposes )
I love casper violet , but Yuri Grey's pattern (up close seems a bit off for me :( )
Are they vision corrective ?
They're available in both corrective and non corrective forms :3
Are they safe ?
This is important !! I do strongly suggest that you NEVER , EVER purchase from dubious seller no matter how cheap they charge you compared to official sellers. Nowadays , there are many many non authentic lenses from China which is making its way through the market parading in look-alike bottles of iFairy , Vassen , Geo etc .
The latest step iFairy has taken to tackle this is by adding hologram stickers on their packaging :
End point is , DONT buy if its too cheap, dubious etc , no hologram sticker :(
if your eyes experience ANY discomfort at all / REDNESS / ITCH upon wearing them , please please please IMMEDIATELY take them off,rise them again (because it may be debri , when your first round lens washing isnt clean enough ), and try again . IF it persists , take them off and dont wear them at all. They may be fake lenses !!!
Be especially cautious because circle lenses are often ordered online :(
Only order from trusted sources !
In fact , FDA SG caught a batch of fake lenses contaminated with the potentially dangerous bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa
(these bacteria commonly causes Soft-lenses-associated keratitis . Wiki them to know what else this bacteria can cause :( I'm not trying to scare you. I;m studying microbiology at school as of now :(( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudomonas_aeruginosa )
Now , lets proceed to the 'a bit' scary part ;3
Can I wear them every day ?
I advise you not to.
I personally only wear lenses for special occasion, events(cosplay etc) , about once or twice a week :3 . I've known people who wore them everyday without fail, but then again , do note that these people may not wear it the whole day (only a few hours everyday) . Otherwise, if you're wearing them everyday and
The cornea (part of our eyes where the lenses rest on) relies on diffusion of Oxygen via air to 'breathe' . Wearing lenses for extended period of time may hamper oxygen transfer :( your eyes will feel strained and tired :( Even worse, yourn cornea may turn hypoxic , leading to decreased sight .
Also , most circle lenses are for yearly use (meaning you can use them for up to one year after opening provided they're not damaged and you clean them regularly) . They're not as soft as daily lenses and prolonged use may lead to dry eyes --> leading to abrasion or minute scratching of the cornea .
An article to scare you some more :3
Point is :
- Yes, beauty does come at a price. Using contact lenses do come at a risk .
- MAKE SURE You wont be a victim ! Clean it regularly and throroughly .
- ALWAYS wash your hands before putting in and taking out your lenses
- NEVER EVER get water (plain water etc) in contact with your lenses. EVER !!!
- THis means you have to dry your hands before handling your lenses !
Be safe :3
Hope this helps
Terumi ~~
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