Monday, January 14, 2013

Christmas Present from Japan

Hahaha Hello folks~~ ^^"
I'm actually in the midst of exam preparation now... 
(I'm taking a half an hour break from studying!! ^^* teheee)
Am really screwed up in terms of my studies now, and I really really need to catch up FAST and learn faster ~_~ sometimes I wonder why I am not as smart as some people are and why I need to read the same thing waaaay more times than they probably do just to stick it to my memory OTL... 

BRAIN, Y u no smarter?
Seriously... I mean, I tried, but It just awed me how some people are really born geniuses lah ^^


Actually, my bestie returned from a study trip in Japan on Dec 25th, 
so I got some Christmas present from Japan (。・ω・。) 
Reckon I might as well post it up here ;D

Here are the presents that I got :3 , 
In addition to some stuff that I bought from Japan too :D
Didnt buy much this year coz I'm poor nearing December ~_~
Kinda regretted not buying make ups , skin care and Tsukemas, but I really really am ..poor... now.. ;;T_T;; Hikz... anyway..

Faux Foxtail ~!!!
( (ミ´ω`ミ))
This increased my stash to 3 foxtails !! xD!!
Previously, I got two from China, and 
I bought only ONE from Japan cause its quite ex :( 
 *you shd know which ones are NOT from Japan ^^*

The present make up the majority ^^""
Bestie bought me : 

a Panda Poncho 

and a panda bag ^^

So I have a set  !!!! 

Konata's Ginger Ale !!! xD 
I love Lucky Star !!! xD

A cute Hammie Keychain :3

cute riiight xD ! Its HUGE. Like, about half the size of average computer mouse :P so about the real size of a hamster, a lil bit bigger xD!

Neon Genesis Evangelion
Ayanami Rei Mousepad !!! xD!!!!

This is the start of my misery TnT I wont be able  to ever eat normal chocolate anymar TmT

Ivory POCKY !!! 

MATCHA Melty Kiss !!! xD

Other stuff :3 
apparently the one on the left are soup blocks. the left one is sweet sake thingie ;3
Shall review it later ^^ 

Thats all for now ~~~ 

Have to go back to gearing up for exams now...
Matta nee~ ;D



  1. Aahh Teru-chan why your friends always going Japan de! Hahaha I also wanna buy stuff from Japan but have no one to ask lol

    1. Hahaha my friend got a visiting-trip scholarship there :D so he'll go there to study ,while getting paid (smart guy ^^""" ) I also jealous at times :3 Suzume gg Japan this May I think ! :D Try ask her ! ;D

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Heya~
      yep ^^ am very grateful that I got them .
      Hee? Is it that hard to find in your country ? which country do you stay at ? :3

      and arigato~
      Loving the foxtails too ^^ Its the fluffiest I ever have so far xD

    2. Hiii :3
      Yup, I'm from Bali but currently studying in Brisbane, there are actually a few outlets selling japanese snacks in Bali but they're so far down south, while as far as I know Brisbane only has korean markets ><

      I might try buying them online someday tho xD
