Heya Minna-san ~!!!
Sorry for the long Hiatus >,< so... I actually just finished my final exam last friday ~3~
*crosses fingers and prays hard that I shall pass!!*
ANYWAY , on the evening of my exam (which is Friday ,15th March 2013) , those of you following my fb should have noticed my post about me going off to an "interview"
Thanks to Cute♥Pop and SOZO , I actually got to interview SCANDAL and meet them in the flesh !!!!
SCANDAL Live in Singapore 2013
It was a great success with 1500 fans attending the concerts during the 2 days span of the concerts at SCAPE !!!!! This concert is SCANDAL's second concert in their South Asia tour ;D SCANDAL , best known by their songs featured on the Popular Anime K-ON and some of their famous hits (like Scandal Baby -come on Otaku-tachi !!!! (((*°▽°*)八(*°▽°*)))♪ , and Satisfaction -- used in WINDOWS' Parkour commercial ) came to Singapore for their concert on the 16th and 17th of march 2013 !!
I admit that I didnt go to the concert because I dont have the $$ lah TmT
BUT !! At least I got to meet them in person !!! xD Gyaaa~!!!
*fangirling ttm* Here are some pictures of them for the benefits of those who doesnt know them :3
Aaaand you know what ? They're even prettier in real life !!! OWO !!!
Wuaaaa!! Why all of these artistes are prettier in real life than pictures one (they're pretty enough already in their pictures but tehy're even prettier LIVE !! ) xD !! Make me a bit jelly :3 hehehee~~ (and OMG !!! Tomomi and Haruna-chan are SOOOOO CUTE !!
Anyway , Here we are :
Me and Natalie :D waiting for the interview at M Hotel !!! :D
THEN , we were told only 1 of us can go in because the conference room was too small...
THUS my face here ...
At that time , I remembered that I felt like saying :
" I wont take so much space , I dont mind taking pictures through the glass window outside the conference room , I will even stand behind the pot of plant in the conference room if you're worried I'll take up space!!!"
But of course I dare not say lah :P
BOTH of us managed to get in eventually !!! *REJOICE* !!!
my chui iPhone photo hahaha ^^"
OK, nicer photos now ヾ(*´∇`)ノ
♪ Mami ♪
I really love her hair colour !! And OMG she looks so Otona-kawaii~~ xD
♪ Haruna ♪
❤A❤~~ She's soo.... sooo... tiny and cute !!! xD And she really do look very Joshi kousei xD xD
❤A❤~~ She's soo.... sooo... tiny and cute !!! xD And she really do look very Joshi kousei xD xD
♪ Rina ♪
I was a bit surprised when I saw Rina-chan at first !!! Because she does look a lot like Ritsu from K-on with her fringe up doesnt she ;D
♪ Tomomi ♪
Tomomi -chan !! She's soooo Moe- Kawaiiii in real life btw xD ~!!!
And here are the interview pictures ;D
I shall let the pictures speak for themselves :D !

And ~ the last photo for the interview session ;D
❤ Thank you for SCANDAL for being so nice and for posing for us ~!!! ❤
There was actually these few minutes when she started making cute faces and I find it reallllly adorable ~! Look at these ~ isnt Tomomi-chan cute ? ❤~ ❤~ xD
And here are the interview pictures ;D
I shall let the pictures speak for themselves :D !

And ~ the last photo for the interview session ;D
❤ Thank you for SCANDAL for being so nice and for posing for us ~!!! ❤
After that Alvin-san , or many of you may know him as Yukino's Papa
drove us to Bugis to view the autograph session !!!
Click *here* for part two of the post :D
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