Monday, September 8, 2014

A Quick Update !!! :)


sorry for having disappeared for so very long >,< 
Believe it or not, my schedule have been crazy for the past few months (and its getting crazier) 
so now that I have some time to update this space ^^ I'm just gonna post some pictures from my recent shoot (thank god I still have time for some cosplay xD grateful xD ) !!

Anyway , here it is  : )
The character is Yuyuko Saigyouji (basically , she's a ghost who likes to eat - to make things horribly simple ^^ hahaha ) Yuyuko is a character from TOUHOU Project , a very fun (but quite a challenging T-T) shooter game developed by JUN ;D 

I'm trying my best to adjust and adapt so that I can update this space more often :3 
Hopefully I can manage this crazier schedule soon :) 

(abrupt ending ) >,<
(time for sleep now as I have to wake up in 4 hours' time :'(((( byebye ~~ 

Ciao ~~