I finished my exam a few days ago ,
and HERE I AM , scarmbling to study again for the next one TxT
So I promised myself I HAVE to post this before I study , as a matter of discipine ..
Today, I'm going to write about my AFA Day 3 experience
it will be a short one ;3 because *glare at my own brain's slowness and the super thick textbook * OTL
Anyway, I decided to cos my Senbonzakura Luka for that day :3
I was VERY late
*sulking* and ended up cabbing TxT
Senbonzakura Luka picture sample ~
Some piccies of my full costume :3
Hurhur... 2D always looks nicer x'D
Its difficult to bring Luka to life TxT
as Yoda said , "much to learn you still have"
And shortly after I reached, I immediately started jumping around the venue with Ee-chan !
Look what we found near the entrance !!
A huge DollFie !!! :D
Sooo cute xD I wish I have the $$ to kidnap her home T3T;;;
Jumping here and there
Here's a picture of me with my newfound husband *blush*
A HelloJapan! Mascot performance :3
She's really cute , but Im not sure who she is ;3
If anyone knows mind to tell me ? ;D
Managed to meet some old friends too finally !!!!
With Pretty Seika ~!! <3
With mirai~ (mirai-l.com)
OMG look at that flat tummy~ *A*!!!!
Yu Bin ,
(hahaha) I ask him to pose in a "cool photog" style,
this is his take xD!!!
Ee-chan, not old friend at all!! WAHAHAHA
Trying to replicate Levi kick scene with ee-chan, but FAILED OTL
And with Onnies , my very hot neighbour
(HAHAHAHA jkjk la !!!!)
If you dont know her, Onnies is the guest cosplayer from Thailand this year !!! I was queueing, hoping to get just a handshake or pass my coscard to her and guess what ??? She even took pictures with those who queued xD
Onnie so sweeeet~ *squeal*
Coincidentally, the MC (guy in gray shirt) is Ee-chan's friend at our university OwO !!!
I was scheming all along to ask him if he can let me take pic with onnies (evil xD hahaha) but in the end Onnies was so nice she took pictures with most if not all of us xD!!!
Such boobs !!
So pretty~~ *A*
In the end, I had lots of fun at AFA 2013 Day 3 !!! Although in the end I didnt manage to find many of my friends thanks to my weird timing of arrival, at least I manage to see some old friends and make some new ones :D
One hell of a fiercely KAWAIIII baby Mikasa ;D
This cute baby is so Mikasa already at this age LOL xD
Her mom has kindly allowed me to take picture of her and helped call her name repeatedly so she'll look at the camera ;D
Thanks so much Baby Mikasa's Mommy ;3
You have one very cute baby here ;D
A New friend!!!
Met another senbon Luka TOO!!!
But I forgot to write down her name (she did tell me)
but I forgot TxT
if anyone knows her , do you mind telling me at all ? She very kindly approached me when I squealed and jumped and acted hyper when I saw her and asked if we can take a Twins pic tgt xD !!!

More Pictures from AFA below :3
An artist friend I met at AFA ,
she has some crazy drawing skills !! OWO (she was going around drawing ANYTHING from cosplayers to people on her notebook with lighting speed *A*!!! ) go check her out at
*and look at that badass drawing that she's holding onto*
Hope I can have some more free time to process my Lucky Star shoot pictures soon ;D
Have only separated the unglam ones from the glam ones and selected 2-3 pictures
Wish me all the best to find a time to rush PS , select photos , sew, make props, and study drg my short 2 weeks dec hols TxT hurhur...
Ciao~ ~ ❤
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