- she sent me a message as follow below
read it and try to interpret it if you're interested , and see if this "apology" is interspersed with further (badly done) attempt at lies or not . I cant even bother to deal with her anymore. Maybe she thinks I'm some primary school kid who cant yet think for herself and believe whatever people tell me =_= Such a waste for a pretty girl
FYI Ravenings is my friend (Tora Shiba at FB or Kawaii Ravenings at Instagram) whose picture she stole too .
- She has removed most of my pictures but still uses some of them
- She does not even have the balls to at least apologize for what is clearly a wrong deed. I'm amazed at how much of a coward she can be :(
- She's changed her facebook into *here* (link removed now , I'm tired of dealing with her) although its good she doesnt steal people's pictures anymore I think , and she seems to be working to start her own cos and not steal anymore (Hopefully)
Regrettable that she doesnt have the guts at all to do whats right which is to at least admit what she'd done though.
No apologies.
No admittance of the wrongdoings she'd done.
She just cowardly deleted some of her pictures and even still kept some of my pictures =_= so this is gonna stay here, sorry girl =_= Such a waste for such a pretty girl to have such level of cowardice and indignity to not admit her mistakes at all.
So , quite a while back , someone pm-ed me about someone impersonating me. I was like
- she sent me a message as follow below
read it and try to interpret it if you're interested , and see if this "apology" is interspersed with further (badly done) attempt at lies or not . I cant even bother to deal with her anymore. Maybe she thinks I'm some primary school kid who cant yet think for herself and believe whatever people tell me =_= Such a waste for a pretty girl
FYI Ravenings is my friend (Tora Shiba at FB or Kawaii Ravenings at Instagram) whose picture she stole too .
- She has removed most of my pictures but still uses some of them
- She does not even have the balls to at least apologize for what is clearly a wrong deed. I'm amazed at how much of a coward she can be :(
- She's changed her facebook into *here* (link removed now , I'm tired of dealing with her) although its good she doesnt steal people's pictures anymore I think , and she seems to be working to start her own cos and not steal anymore (Hopefully)
Regrettable that she doesnt have the guts at all to do whats right which is to at least admit what she'd done though.
No apologies.
No admittance of the wrongdoings she'd done.
She just cowardly deleted some of her pictures and even still kept some of my pictures =_= so this is gonna stay here, sorry girl =_= Such a waste for such a pretty girl to have such level of cowardice and indignity to not admit her mistakes at all.
So , quite a while back , someone pm-ed me about someone impersonating me. I was like
" What ? There are people who actually want to impersonate me? "
At first , I'm unsure of what to do. It took me about 1 week before I decided to make up my mind and after I did some research , I AM OVERJOYED WITH HAPPINESS !!!
What was I doing during that 1 week?
1.I googled
2. I asked my friend to help me translate because the conversation is in Filipino
And what I see amused me quite a bit....
So this girl..
Phamela Jane Caspe
or twitter https://twitter.com/PhamQuake/media
or Instagram http://instagram.com/phamquake
or soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/phamela-jane-caspe
Take a Look.
Let's start with her Twitter ....
Compare the introduction line below
to my BLOG profile http://teruterumi.blogspot.sg/p/about-me.html
Now, lets see !!!..
at first sight , I thought this is MY Gumi Matryoshka !!!!!
Dont we look reaaaalllly alike !!!????? :D
Is this MY Hungary Hetalia ????
But she commented that it's EASY D: I actually spend quite some effort to get Hungary's hair the right way , and hunted quite a while for a nice basket of flowers too D:
She must be SOO TALENTED that this is so easy for her !!! >,< !!
Is this YONG YONG KURAN (the one with the label "You make me smile"), a famous Thailand cosplayer !!!!?? No , IM SURE THIS IS PHAMELA because she seems to infer so D: and because its in her album (sarcasm)If Phamela looks like Yong Yong Kuran , how can she look like me ? I'm a bit confused . Do I look like YONG YONG ? My teeth is not as nice. THAT, I know O.o
I THOUGHT this is MY Eyelash Review !!!
Waaah ! This is awesome !!! Are we linked by some unseen forces anyway that she actually bought the exact same lenses , eyelashes as me and even took the picture from IDENTICAL angles with me !! ME in Singapore and SHE in Phillipines, MILES AND MILES AWAY ! D: THis is so amazing !!!!!
But at the bottom right picture in apron is YONG YONG KURAN again D:
I'm sure its her... unless !!!! MY TWIN PHAMELA JANE CASPE looks like YONG YONG TOO???? That's soooo coool! !!! xD

Then I saw this and gets even more confused O.o??
I immediately think of Kelly-chan's eyes when I saw these O.o
But apparently Phamela has Kelly's eyes!!!! ISNT SHE AWESOME ? She actually have YONG YONG KURAN's infective smile and KellyKonomi.com's eyes !!! :D that's so great !!!!
Maybe its because of certain ANGLES that we look alike in SO MANY pictures?
Because I certainly know I dont look like YongYong or Kelly :(((
BUT LOOK !!! Even my early unglam picture of Dolly+ ifairy lenses too , look like hers !! WOAH !!! I wonder what kind of "preparation" she meant in the comment below ?
Preparation to cosplay izaya like I DID ?:D
Because She DID cosplay Izaya ... on her FACEBOOK!!! :D
WE MUST BE REALLY SOME SORT OF LONG LOST TWINS with some sort of paranormal connections between our minds !!! :D
I DONT HAVE ANY IDEA WHY SHE WANTED TO STEAL THIS PICTURE ITS actually just a for-fun shoot I did with my school friends, prepared within 20-30 minutes and without any proper wig whatsoever =_=""""
even her cosplay mate who cosplayed shizuo looks EXACTLY LIKE MY FRIEND who cosplayed Drrr! with me !!! OwO What is this ? So my friend also have a long lost twin sister in the Phillipines where she live ??? Because my friend dont recall flying there to have a shoot with her O.o
I scroll down again...
This looks veeery much like MY Alice Baskerville - B-Rabbit version...!!
How can she find similar location and friends who look exactly like my two friends here in Phillipines ? BY NOW , I am convinced everyone in Singapore could have a long lost twin somewhere in the Phillipine and many many places/shooting locations too have a TWIN-site there ???? :D
I'm so excited that I actually have a long lost TWIN!!
Its like those KOREAN DRAMA you know ????!
So I move on to FACEBOOK !!! :D
OK. So..... Is that's MY Gumi there ... MY C.C ? Let's zoom in.
But I dont know ? My TERUTERUMI.BLOGSPOT LOGO is not here .
So she actually looks very much like me and her cosplay pose is even the same as mine ! wah !! :D
See ? Mine have logo at lower right corner !!! :))))
OMG SO since there is NO LOGO , its her after all !! We're twin sister after all?

Somehow she's more quiet in FACEBOOK , preferring to resort to PRIVATE MESSAGE /PM as shown in the comment section where she uploaded my C.C Code Geass picture above (the white suit-costume) Why? Maybe because I dont use my Twitter that often and she thinks Im not in Twitter so She wont get found out O.o? IDK
Scroll Down , here's MY Elizabeth Herdevary /Hungary - from Hetalia????
Zoomed in
MY Hetalia again? or my twin sister ? :)
MY Azuki Azusa from Henouji Warawanai Neko?
WAH , we even have a same concept shoot for Joshi Kousei !!
Even the shoot title and the heart symbol placement is the same !!!
Even Maid pictures are the same !!! OWO
My Old unglam maid PS =_= why this ? why not nicer ones ?
Her eyebags is also not covered in this shoot!
WAH , So similar to mine !! What a coincidence xD
She also have the same maid uniform EOY used for the meido cafe !! :D
My original pic! Look v alike right ??? :D
even my first few old unglam selfies also look like her !!!!
Some more snapshots ...:D
Another 2 pictures of mine ... ???
Wah!!! I SEE someone who looks like JOSIE, My sponsor salon's hairstylist!!!
(middle column, most left, with a lady holding a camera)
So INDEED many people actually have twins in the area where she live ??? :D WHOA , is it some "TWINS TOWN" ?
I ALMOST THOUGHT We're twins... but guess what ...? D:
I dont think I am anymore...
She's MUCH MORE AWESOME than I am ... look at these !!
These are all her cosplays too :(
(this miku below is actually BELL from HongKong )
and she looks so so so much like yong yong kuran my Idol~ >,<
She cant be my twin. I'm not even close to yong yong >,<
Is this her too? I cant ead the caption D:
and she looks like Tora @wonkitty too~
I know Tora , met her via Kelly last time,
and I know I'm not as cute as this :( BUT apparently Phamela looks like Tora too >,<
Phamela's pic below , and Tora's picture here : http://instagram.com/p/PdwgCxkQVb/
Look very similar right ????
Tora's picture here : http://instagram.com/p/PN9SxvkQVq/
And eventually she did AHRI cosplay too :D !!!!
But... but... there are still some things that is confusing me ...
I am not really sure her boyfriend JASON REYES has helped me AT ALL in my LOLITA MAKE UP O.O? why is she thanking him ?? OR IS IT HERS ?? She also has a similar lolita dress as me!??? :D What a coincidence !!!
She also tagged her Boyfriend in many of our TWIN pictures :D
Why is that so ?
I think her Boyfriend would be excited to know that Phamela actually have quite a few TWIN SISTERS in Singapore !!! :D He also seems new to the Otaku world while ALL of us Phamela's TWIN SISTERS are Otaku's here so welcome welcome !!! :D
She also tagged her Boyfriend in many of our TWIN pictures :D
Why is that so ?
I think her Boyfriend would be excited to know that Phamela actually have quite a few TWIN SISTERS in Singapore !!! :D He also seems new to the Otaku world while ALL of us Phamela's TWIN SISTERS are Otaku's here so welcome welcome !!! :D
Initially her display picture looks exactly the same as my Tsurara cos !! :D
I was almost convinced she's my twin ! :D
But then it changed a few days back O.O so sad...
Her old picture also looks like me !!! Wah !! :D
Oh ! and in Soundcloud too !!!
(my candid Alice picture beside a vending machine... )
picture of me with my Nyanko plushie .
PHOTOS below CREDIT to : Miss Phamela Jane Caspe
I'll be very happy if anyone of my Filipino FB friend/readers/ can please help me seek clarifications from her as of why we have such a GREAT resemblance that we have SOOO MANY SIMILAR PICTURES !!! I'd love to
1. Personally meet her and have our DNA tested !!! Maybe we're related after all! :D
2. have a twin photoshoot with her perhaps !! :D We can cosplay twins character in ease now !! How awesome is that !!! xD
3. meet her friends who cosplayed the Shizuo Heiwajima in her durarara!! shot because she looks exactly like my friend here too xD
4. Meet her friend who cosplayed alice - ballgown version and will of abyss because she looks exactly like my friend here too xD who happened to be sisters !!!:D
5. Personally tell her that its really nice that she really have a face that can fit looks so diff in diff angles :) good for cosplay --> because then she can fit into so many different characters be it male or female , cute or cool !! Her miku and SOUND HORIZON snow white is sooo nice :D
Look how different she can look! Such good make up and angling skills ! :D
Look how different she can look! Such good make up and angling skills ! :D

PS : side note
She's actually a real pretty girl.
I dont understand why she have to resort to this at all ? Why does she try to pass people's work as her own ? It just isnt right. Its pure plagiarism. Not to mention it seems that she's already a university student :( She should be more than mature enough not to do this...
Look at how cute she is , filter or no filter .
She's quite pretty by herself.
Why does she need to lower her dignity so low as to IMPERSONATE somebody else ? You're your own person, and you should be proud of being yourself. By doing this, you're declaring to the whole world that
1. You're ASHAMED of yourself
2. You're showing no respect whatsoever towards the hardwork people have put into their own works. You're PLAGIARIZOR , IMPERSONATOR, and THIEF at the same time.
its really sad seeing that someone with such a cute face actually did this kind of thing. I feel strongly towards this because I actually do not think that I;'m cute whatsoever and I actually have worked really hard to achieve my current size (I used to be very fat) and to learn make up from scratch (I had 0 cosplay friends /almost no otaku friends interested in cosplaying in my circle) and I learnt everything by myself, from scratch !!!
So I hope she still have some awareness and dignity left to admit to her friends at least that she's been using (more like stealing ) peoples' pictures all these while. It will be good if she have some honesty left to at least admit to what she's been doing.
She's quite pretty by herself.
Why does she need to lower her dignity so low as to IMPERSONATE somebody else ? You're your own person, and you should be proud of being yourself. By doing this, you're declaring to the whole world that
1. You're ASHAMED of yourself
2. You're showing no respect whatsoever towards the hardwork people have put into their own works. You're PLAGIARIZOR , IMPERSONATOR, and THIEF at the same time.
its really sad seeing that someone with such a cute face actually did this kind of thing. I feel strongly towards this because I actually do not think that I;'m cute whatsoever and I actually have worked really hard to achieve my current size (I used to be very fat) and to learn make up from scratch (I had 0 cosplay friends /almost no otaku friends interested in cosplaying in my circle) and I learnt everything by myself, from scratch !!!
So I hope she still have some awareness and dignity left to admit to her friends at least that she's been using (more like stealing ) peoples' pictures all these while. It will be good if she have some honesty left to at least admit to what she's been doing.
OK. I'm ASSUMING she's honest and this below is really really truly her since Im not sure if her friend has told her what she told me she suspected because recently she's been changing her profile pictures from that of other cosplayers to her own pictures, so I guess she must have had awesome instincts or her friend has warned her
If she doesnt...
Its really such a waste
Such a cute face
Look at that nicely shaped chin and plump cheeks :3
but without honesty , dignity and integrity
I feel for her... although I should not be judging too.
Thanks to my Facebook friends who have helped me report this incident.
She has yet to come up with any attempt to contact me whatsoever so far ( which leads me to the conclusion that she's quite cowardly for what she'd so 'bravely' did ) . I was half expecting she'll be brave enough to come up to me and at least admit what she'd done but nothing happens. So here goes. Her SOUNDCLOUD, INSTAGRAM, and TWITTER is still full of stolen pictures and lies though, although she clearly knows about this because it seemed that she hasnt been posting anything new so far. Not sure what she's planning to do. Feel quite upset that while she has the guts to steal people's pictures (yes, I believe that it takes guts in some ways to steal something ) , she does not seem to have the guts to be a decent girl and apologize at least - while apologizing can actually earn her some measure of friendship and a good impression. But maybe, just maybe, she thought it is okay to steal , and just maybe, she thought that it is perfectly allright to steal MANY things and that there is no need to apologize because its just "normal" for her to steal - its her principle.
So Ciao
Que Sera Sera

Thanks to my Facebook friends who have helped me report this incident.
She has yet to come up with any attempt to contact me whatsoever so far ( which leads me to the conclusion that she's quite cowardly for what she'd so 'bravely' did ) . I was half expecting she'll be brave enough to come up to me and at least admit what she'd done but nothing happens. So here goes. Her SOUNDCLOUD, INSTAGRAM, and TWITTER is still full of stolen pictures and lies though, although she clearly knows about this because it seemed that she hasnt been posting anything new so far. Not sure what she's planning to do. Feel quite upset that while she has the guts to steal people's pictures (yes, I believe that it takes guts in some ways to steal something ) , she does not seem to have the guts to be a decent girl and apologize at least - while apologizing can actually earn her some measure of friendship and a good impression. But maybe, just maybe, she thought it is okay to steal , and just maybe, she thought that it is perfectly allright to steal MANY things and that there is no need to apologize because its just "normal" for her to steal - its her principle.
So Ciao
Que Sera Sera

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