Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Kira Candy Gen 1 Outing :3 !! < and some nonsense ;D >

Hello ~~
Its been another books/notes-filled week for me..
so many things to read , understand and remember ~ >,<
1001 things to memorize besides the understanding part TnT 


I took out some time to go to KC outing because  I really missed my nakama QnQ 
We went to Just Acia @ Dhoby to have lunch , but since I'm rushing, I didnt took many candids 

Only Camwhored ! 
wahahaha !! 
(Sucky photo though.. I really want the camwhore Casio Camera now :'( )

with Yuki-mao (Trina) chan !! xD 
This Sweetie !! I miss her so so much !! >,<

Suzume (Wan Yee) !!! xD

With Noelle -chan who is joining Miss Singapore World !! Go support her !! xD

With Liy (Natalie) chan !!!

Minni -Aneki !!!! xD 

Yukari (Samantha)  !!! xD

With Dong Hui (Rei) !!! 
Love that wig with red extensions  xD make her look so gyaru and mature 
like, have "aneki" feel to it !! xD

and the uber cute Mirai-chan !! :D

Sadly , I have to go home soon after eating lunch with them TnT 

Arrived at home !! This was my ootd!

wore my Barbie three-tone puffy green out again ! 
I love - SUPER LOVE this pair !!

We have a gift exchange , and I got Suzume's gift : 

Super Happy ! xD 
I love pastel nail polishes xD !!!

Arigato Suzume !!!!

Another thing that made me super happy last week:
I was sick for exam, and had to sit for re-exam
My OG took extra steps and wrote me an encouragement card and even provided me with mugging snacks TnT 

Thank you guys !! 
very very touched TnT !
I'll do my best !!!

Now , here comes my NONSENSE part ^^ LOL !!
The day before, I was studying at my residence's study rooms TnT 
So bored I camwhored.... 

(act cute mode 110% on .. wahaahahaha !! )

and after It gets cold ... 

(still act cute !! - hee, at least I'm still young and able to do this 
I assure you when I'm an auntie already...... I'll STILL DO THIS ^^ ;D )

My study snack for the day : 
Saw the rainbow colour and couldnt resist buying ALL THE COLOURS !! wahahaha !!

- Nonsense end -

 Bye Bye~~ ;D

Terumi ~

Thursday, January 24, 2013

short update - Floral Nails - Hectic life

Hi !

Life has been busy and busy and ... busy this week ^^:"
Feels really drained... haix....

so here's a picture  of a glove "Bunny" I attempted to make chivalrously made, against the threat of needle pokes quite some time ago !

The bunny said *how rude!!* 

5 out of 10 people thought I made a glove Elephant 


Got sick on Monday and missed exam..
Will retake next next Monday :3

So drained that 
today, when i got back, I decided to paint my nails after like... 2-3 weeks...

the result is a bit disastrous, 
but here you are though ~_~"
for documentation purposes :3

Haixx... its supposed to be a "Mori-girl" themes floral nails.. 
turn out my dotting has become so bad that the best I can do is this ~_~"""

Meanwhile, let me entertain you with what I made around 1-2 weeks ago :P 

Here !!

NO Lah ~ 
HERE !!! xD

Now , dont start drowning in shock and disgust upon seeing this =_="""
idk... some friends whom I've shown this was not sure whats that Brown thing inside the egg . 

Basically, I put "something" inside the egg , and told bestie I made Japanese soft boiled eggs for him to eat as we had dinner together that day . Bestie have an odd , inseparable, awkward love towards Japanese soft boiled eggs (the kind you found in ramen ~_~"") So when I passed Bestie a bowful of these, Bestie picked up one and saw the bottom part and  even went as far as :




and I was like :


Okay Okay ~~~

THAT , is BROWNIE okay? 

just that , this time , its INSIDE eggs ! :P 
I'm planning to show how its done after my exam, but since my exam is delayed 
It have to wait~~


Anyway , here you are :3 

My life this week has not been so fun leh... 
a loooooooooooooooot of studying. 
I did went to Daiso to buy some stuffs tho ;3 
WIll update when I'm free (or bored  and cant mug wahahaha xD)
Hope next week will be more colourful ;D


and oh yeah 
These Chocolate Banana  are Awesome !!! xD


Thursday, January 17, 2013


I'm joining this for fun :3 
(cause they're giving away cosplay costume voucher for the winner lah hahaha ;D )

Help me vote wont you ~ ;3  ?
( just click on the pic / LINK below 
--> go to page 
--> like my picture 
 , or any picture you find nice ;D ) 

Arigato~ ;D

Tsuriki-chan's Hada Labo Giveaway :D

As you guys might have known , 
I'm a fan of Tsuriki-chan, you can read her blog at Quentria  and also her blog-store, Popu Store  . SO, when I read that Tsuriki-chan have 3 bottles of Firming + Lifting Lotion from Hada Labo to given to 3 of her lucky readers, I was like : 


WHY so happy, you ask  ? 

This is because Im a HUGE Fan of Hada Labo as well !!! 


Currently, I'm using the:

Retinol Lotion

Super Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizing UV Milk with SPF50 PA++

Got the Face Mask  for free last time
and after using it once , I am sold !! xD
(altho this one is a bit on the pricey side, It really is awesome >,<!!)

the AHA-BHA facial wash !! :D

I'm gonna join the giveaway and share about it at the same time ;D !!! 
Instruction Copy-Pasta-ed from Tsuriki-chan's blog : 

All you have to do is to follow the 3 steps below and you could be trying these babies out to achieve V-shape face!

1. Like my Facebook Page @

2. Share about this giveaway on your blog or Facebook + telling me why you wanna win this awesome Hada Labo lotion!

3. Email me at with your sharing URL on this giveaway together with your Facebook profile name. 
Please ensure your subject is "Hada Labo Giveaway" to avoid having your email going to spam folder.

This giveaway is open to only Singapore addresses as I can't send liquid overseas.
Giveaway deadline: 27 Jan 2013, 2359 SGT.

Lastly, Why do I want to win this giveaway ?

1. I am a student, as you might have known, student = broke =_=
I have been using the Retinol Lotion and i really find it awesome :D 

and ~ teheee~
to be honest,
 getting my Favorite Skin Care in a giveaway = Super Awesome Savings !!
No, I dont depend on my parents for my stuff anymore hor :P 
and am depending on scholarship $$ and my own holiday part time $$ :P ^^""

Its a very good brand (tried it and love it !! ) Have been using it and its one of the brands I really really love :D 

Done ~ ;D 
Simple right ? 

gambatte nee~~ ;D 


Monday, January 14, 2013

Christmas Present from Japan

Hahaha Hello folks~~ ^^"
I'm actually in the midst of exam preparation now... 
(I'm taking a half an hour break from studying!! ^^* teheee)
Am really screwed up in terms of my studies now, and I really really need to catch up FAST and learn faster ~_~ sometimes I wonder why I am not as smart as some people are and why I need to read the same thing waaaay more times than they probably do just to stick it to my memory OTL... 

BRAIN, Y u no smarter?
Seriously... I mean, I tried, but It just awed me how some people are really born geniuses lah ^^


Actually, my bestie returned from a study trip in Japan on Dec 25th, 
so I got some Christmas present from Japan (。・ω・。) 
Reckon I might as well post it up here ;D

Here are the presents that I got :3 , 
In addition to some stuff that I bought from Japan too :D
Didnt buy much this year coz I'm poor nearing December ~_~
Kinda regretted not buying make ups , skin care and Tsukemas, but I really really am ..poor... now.. ;;T_T;; Hikz... anyway..

Faux Foxtail ~!!!
( (ミ´ω`ミ))
This increased my stash to 3 foxtails !! xD!!
Previously, I got two from China, and 
I bought only ONE from Japan cause its quite ex :( 
 *you shd know which ones are NOT from Japan ^^*

The present make up the majority ^^""
Bestie bought me : 

a Panda Poncho 

and a panda bag ^^

So I have a set  !!!! 

Konata's Ginger Ale !!! xD 
I love Lucky Star !!! xD

A cute Hammie Keychain :3

cute riiight xD ! Its HUGE. Like, about half the size of average computer mouse :P so about the real size of a hamster, a lil bit bigger xD!

Neon Genesis Evangelion
Ayanami Rei Mousepad !!! xD!!!!

This is the start of my misery TnT I wont be able  to ever eat normal chocolate anymar TmT

Ivory POCKY !!! 

MATCHA Melty Kiss !!! xD

Other stuff :3 
apparently the one on the left are soup blocks. the left one is sweet sake thingie ;3
Shall review it later ^^ 

Thats all for now ~~~ 

Have to go back to gearing up for exams now...
Matta nee~ ;D
